
Sound like LNSers to me...

except that they're riding the bus, I'd imagine that is against the bylaws

For Those Who Think It Tragic That White Birthrates Are Dropping
Old frat boy #1: Yeah, dude, I really need to get my stuff together. I've already graduated college and I still live like I'm in college.
Old frat boy #2: Yeah, don't mess around and end up like Mike* -- he's about to have a second kid. Both of them were mistakes.
Old frat boy #1: Yeah, I always make the girls I have sex with stand on their heads after. I'm so glad that urban legend is true.
Old frat boy #2: Haha, yeah, I always make the girls I hook up with do post-coital jumping jacks.

Washington, DC

Overheard by: Tyler

via Overheard Everywhere, Jul 14, 2007

City Paper cover story of Late Night Shots (LNS), only read this if you are prepared to be thoroughly disgusted, pissed off and possibly homocidal.

Wonkette laughing at these morons since June 2006.

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