
Seriously, Jen Capps and Patty Mallan, wtf?

No, really, seriously, WTF?

My mind is blown. Will write more about this development later.

[Later] So I'm in Chicago for the YearlyKos convention, randomly wandering downtown looking for a restaurant or bar to get something to eat. This group of people walk past me. As the last person in the group is walking by I glance over at her. Have you ever noticed those times when your brain just kind of shuts down because it just can't compute. I realized it was Jen Capps about the same time she recognized me and we both just kind of stopped and stood there. It was even more strange because just a week or two earlier I had run into her twice in one day, after not seeing her for more than a year (we currently work in adjacent buildings).

You're probably saying, "so what, people run into someone they know all the time." Well, yeah, I guess so, but it is rare made even more rare by the distances involved. I want to talk about this some more but right now I need to get ready for work.

Oh, and Patty was in the group too. Not sure how but we walked right past each other. Wonder what she's up to these days.

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