Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas, six days later it would make landfall for the third time (after crossing Florida and then glancing off southeastern Louisiana) along the Louisiana/Mississippi border. As we all know, New Orleans was devastated and despite days of warning the Failed Bu$h AdministrationTM did little to nothing for roughly the next 4 days. The really scary part - Katrina had been downgraded to only a Category 3 storm when it made its final landfall.
I Miss New Orleans
The Aftermath Numbers
And the area is still devastated. See this and this and this.
You know, thinking about all the incompetence of the Failed Bu$h AdministrationTM leads me to wonder if it really isn't incompetence but deliberately done. Maybe the idea is for government to screw up so badly that everyone wants it replaced with private sector solutions. I know on a number of occasions I've thought, "Well, if they're not going to do it right, why don't I get a bunch of people together and we'll do it ourselves." I'm not the only one.
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