
The History of LOLcats.

I found this at Presurfer which I found by following this link from Daily Kos. From that post I followed the link to the 2007 Weblog awards, where, after doing my duty to vote for Daily Kos as the best Online Community (seriously, Little Green Footballs is the competition, does it even have that many readers?), I started perusing the other categories. In some I didn't know any of the nominees such as Best New Blog, never heard of any of them. In others such as Best Blog I knew most of the entrants but others, not so much. I decided to follow a couple links and Presurfer is the first one so far.

WTF!!? Michelle Malkin (refuse to provide link) is in the running for Best Blog?? So if I started writing hateful, racist, misogynist, false, disingenuous things, if I start posting personal information about people who disagree with me so that my psychotic minions could harass them and send death threats, if I stalk a 12 year old boy in an attempt to expose him and his family as not being poor enough to get health care help from the government will I be nominated for Best Blog. Apparently so.

**Can't find a link to the originator of the video

1 comment:

wagnerav said...

"...and while he may never has the cheeseburger..."
