
Oh God, I'm laughing so hard my sides hurt.

Looks like the Chimpinator is on his way to an approval rating in the teens.  When you've lost the mouth-breathers of Free Republic you should probably double your Secret Service detail.

Welcome new "liberals"

And by "liberals" I mean people that are now saying some of the exact same things we have been saying for years (namely that the Shrub will destroy America, through stupidity, vindictiveness, corruption and incompetency) and who at the time(s) we said those things called us traitors and worse. And by welcome I mean STFU and sit in the corner for a while and just watch and listen and maybe you'll learn something about being a decent human being... but I'm not hopeful.


CandyBuffet said...
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CandyBuffet said...

The Wonkette article is funny, but the responses are even funnier! Like this one:

Look this is what it all boils down to, these people in Washington are no different than the celebrities in hollyweird,they do not respect the rule of law or the ten commandments.

The_Lev responded: Yep, I do believe that the fifth commandment covers immigration. The sixth covers tax cuts, and the seventh is that stupid "thou shalt not murder" one.

Mahahahahha! Or this one:

Jefe responded: Read this aloud in the voice of Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons:

"The invasion of the United States by the criminal army of Aztlan is complete."