
There is a god. (Irony intended)

Apparently there is one Unitarian in Congress, Pete Stark (D-CA13)

Here's his official House website
Here's his "official personal" site
Here's the original place I saw this (one of my usual haunts) and this is where it leads. Here is the press release from Secular Coalition for America.

Here is the email I sent to them:
"Well, two issues really. According to this Stark identifies himself as "Unitarian".

1) He is not the first Unitarian politician in U.S. history, at least 4 presidents identified themselves as such.
2) Unitarian does not signify "non-theist", we accept theists in our congregations as well.

That being said, good work and good for Pete Stark, I will be donating to your organization and Stark's re-election fund."

There is hope for us yet. Oh, and here's the UUA (Unitarian-Universalist Association) site.

As pointed out in the original post:
Here's the rundown on the four politicians mentioned in the press release. In bold are the terms these politicians were willing to use to describe their religious beliefs:

--Terry S. Doran, School Board President, Berkeley, Calif.: "Atheist, humanist, Bright."

--Nancy Glista, School Committee Member, Franklin, Maine: "Atheist, humanist, freethinker."

--Michael Cerone, Town Meeting Member, Arlington, Mass.: "Atheist."

--Pete Stark, Congressperson, 13th District Calif.: "Unitarian."

California, Maine and Massachusetts. All places I'd move to.


freethoughtguy said...

Finally! Congratulations, Mr. Stark. 534 presumed theists and 1 brave nontheist. Will the next nontheistic Member(s) of Congress please make themselves known now?

FreshSnaps said...

Well, I'm not holding my breath, but it would be a nice change. I just finished reading "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris and am currently reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. I guess I can understand being afraid to let go of god, but how can most people not be a little sheepish about having an omniscient imaginary friend?