
That's how I roll.

From the always awesome xkcd webcomic. That guy is a genius.

Don't understand the joke? See this Wikipedia article or this Washington Post piece.


I'm proud of my President

Yes, the current president. He finally did something right. He dodged a shoe, two shoes actually. Eight years and I can proudly say, at least he's got quick reflexes. Sadly, it's the most impressive thing he's done as President.

And, apparently Dana Perino, White House spokesperson, got a black eye during the melee. Somehow fitting.


::Wipes tear::

From the Manassas rally - 11/3/08. Pictures blatantly stolen from here.

BTW, I guarantee, both those kids, now lifelong Democrats.


Signed, Sealed, Delivered


Oh, and excuse me ghost of Ronnie Raygun, I'll take that: It's morning again in America.



I fully expect that by 10pm I will be crying like a child. Like a happy, hopeful, proud child. Someone recently asked me why this means so much to me, well, I'll tell ya. From a very young age my parents taught me that it matters who makes, upholds and interprets the laws of this country. Some of my earliest memories are of listening to my father talk about evil Tricky Dick (Richard Nixon). Obviously, they were/are liberal hippies.

And the things they taught me then were: Never judge people by the way they look. Always help others in need. Always root for the underdog. Don't fight (I admit that I have amended this one to: Only fight in self defense or in the defense of others, stop when the threat is gone, try to be conciliatory afterwards). Don't take more than you can use. Humans are not the only things on the planet, animals and plants are important too and deserve respect. Don't steal. Always try to imagine how things look and feel from the other person's point of view. Try to do things on your own but don't be afraid to ask for help. Try to include everyone.

Extrapolate any of those things out into essays on what government should be responsible for or the role of America in the world or what should welfare mean and they still work for me. I could probably come up with more and some of the things listed here I tend to forget or ignore but for the most part this is what my worldview could be boiled down to.

From what I've seen, from legislation passed to issues debated to methods of governance the Republican party is antithetical to most of the values listed above. And then to realize that almost 70% of my life has been spent with a Republican president in office. That I came of age during the Reagan years, REAGAN, I didn't think it was possible to detest a president more until W. That I have seen 1 very possibly 2 elections stolen. That I have seen the writ of habeas corpus, the constitution, freedom of speech come under direct attack from our own government. That I have seen America become a practitioner of torture. That I have seen the government actually fail to respond to a national disaster. That our nation continues to become divided into the super rich and the debtor poor and our economy has been brought to its knees in order to maintain that division. That all of these things, in my mind, derive specifically from Republican rule.

Yeah, this election means a lot to me and it should mean a lot to everyone else. We are actually on the verge of electing someone who embodies the ideals that make America exceptional. So, yeah, I will be crying tonight. For the return of hope. For the return of the helping hand of America. For the restoration our reputation as the arbiter of the world. For rebirth of the belief of I am my brothers keeper. For the return of an individual and collective sense of responsibility.

Some videos to help you through the waiting:

Feels good

It has been a while since i've been able to vote for a winner!

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On Obama's grandmother passing

Very sad, it means his victory tomorrow will be tempered with...I can't think of the right word, seriousness, thoughtfulness...

This comment:
Regardless of the outcome of the election, it is a big deal. I interrupted my class to tell them of the sad news of Obama’s grandmother passing. I said that on the eve of what may be his great achievement, he does not have his mom, his dad nor his grandmother or grandfather. One student put it in perspective. “Yes, “she said, “but he has us…”
Comment by Daddio - November 3, 2008 at 5:17 pm

from this WSJ article made me tear up a bit. We're all in this together now.


The gift that keeps on giving

Just when I think McLame can't get any more pathetic he proves me wrong.

Freddie to Seattle

No, not that Freddy this one. I think I might actually have a second MLS team to root for.

They know.

McCain going to Maine. Why would he do that? Maine is a SOLID Obama lock with a 17 point pollster.com aggregate lead. He's doing it to make sure Susan Collins wins Senate re-election. They need to stop the bleeding and try to keep the Dems from reaching the filibuster proof 60 seats. Expect to see McCain visits in the coming days to Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and Minnesota. All states where a Democrat has a very good chance of flipping a Republican seat.

Stealing elections

Republicans only win when fewer people vote. Which is why they try so hard to disenfranchise people and suppress the vote. Too bad for them that this election will be a landslide. Can't steal this one from us.


Will we ever see justice for Don Siegelman?

Don't know who Don Siegelman is? He is the former Governor of Alabama, who was brought up on trumped up corruption charges, convicted, and immediately sent to federal prison for a 7 year sentence. Almost eight months later he was released pending his appeal. There are substantial questions about the case and specifically about the role of one Karl Rove.

Can't come soon enough

LIEberman to be removed from his Chairmanship. Anyone who reads this blog regularly (all 5 of you) knows of my utter contempt for the junior Senator from Connecticut. He needs to just get it over with and become a Republican, I might even be able to muster up some respect for him as a Republican... nah, he'd still be an asshat.



1 week to go. And then Jan. 20, 2009 can not come soon enough.



6 years ago yesterday, Senator Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane crash. As the self-proclaimed "Democratic wing of the Democratic Party" he was one of my heroes. An unrepentant and unwavering voice of progressive politics and policies he was often a lonely voice in the wilderness. But today his legacy lives on. I wish he were here to see Obama win and the resurgence of the Democratic party and hopefully a resurgence of progressivism.


Boo hoo!

It's all over but the crying.

And the whining of Bill O'Reilly.

Props to the peeps.

Some may disagree with me but I don't see how Barack Obama would be on the verge of the landslide victory that is about to happen without the netroots. Peter Daou over at Huffington Post agrees.


I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Whoever wins Virginia, wins the election.

Which makes these polls especially sweet:
SUSA - 10 point Obama lead
Suffolk - 12 point Obama lead


Image courtesy Daily Kos user Kdoug

Speaking of travel...

1000 pictures from my recent Peru trip are here and here. These are unfiltered so there are some bad ones in the bunch.

Definitely going to Iceland next year

It seems that their economy is in even more of a freefall than ours. Which means Iceland might be one of the few European countries where the dollar is actually worth something. I guess that's a bit opportunistic but, hey, I ain't rich, gotta go where the deals are.


John McCain is a lying liar.

And don't get me started on his trophy wife VP.Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures
see Sarah Palin pictures

And he's out of touch with normal people.

And applesauce hates him.




That's McCain giving his convention speech last night. But what is that behind him on the screen? Duh, it's Walter Reed Middle School. Wait, what? Do you think they meant to show Walter Reed Army Medical Center? Pathetic. Or, wait, maybe McCain was actually revealing his new veterans policy. Since he is so bad about supporting our veterans perhaps he has decided that instead of giving our wounded vets the medical attention they deserve he'll send them back to middle school, ya see, he does support the GI Bill.



So much going on, I've got 3 posts in draft form and at least 3 more in my head, hopefully I'll get to at least a couple tonight.

In the meantime, my parents, Obama supporters.


Klaatu Barada Nikto

I think that is the hand from the Evil Dead movies.

Apparently, the hand helped DC United beat Colorado 3-0.


So obvious once you see it.

The blindingly obvious solution to the "Real Sex Education vs. abstinence-only programs" problem:

Serious teen on cell: If you use a condom... It doesn't count.

--Murray Hill

From here.

Lieberman - Reason #483 for my hatred of him

So, Joe "Rape victims can just drive to another hospital" Lieberman is going to speak at the Republican National Convention. Too bad for Joe his days of anyone listening to him are numbered to 76 (if I did my math right).

Oh, and the AP agrees with me.


Game. Set. Match.

The best part about President Obama is the possibility of the beginning of the end of the bigotry against skinny guys.

Photos courtesy The Huffington Post via Wonkette.

Foiled Yet Again

Well, the US go 3 and out in yet another international tournament, this time the Olympics. At least Mexico didn't even qualify.


The Revolution Starts Now

I was walkin’ down the street
In the town where I was born
I was movin’ to a beat
That I’d never felt before
So I opened up my eyes
And I took a look around
I saw it written ‘cross the sky
The revolution starts now
Yeah, the revolution starts now

The revolution starts now
When you rise above your fear
And tear the walls around you down
The revolution starts here
Where you work and where you play
Where you lay your money down
What you do and what you say
The revolution starts now
Yeah the revolution starts now

Yeah the revolution starts now
In your own backyard
In your own hometown
So what you doin’ standin’ around?
Just follow your heart
The revolution starts now

Last night I had a dream
That the world had turned around
And all our hopes had come to be
And the people gathered ‘round
They all brought what they could bring
And nobody went without
And I learned a song to sing
The revolution starts now

Just recently found Steve Earle. His album "The Revolution Starts... Now" came out in August 2004 and was supposed to herald the return of sanity in America. It was supposed to be the soundtrack of the rejection of the neocons. Didn't happen that way. But this time maybe it will stick.

My Mom sent me this article, Racism and the Race, saying how much it scares her that, we Americans are still so unenlightened, blinded, fearful, that we will let race hold us back. That we will shoot ourselves in the foot or, more accurately, in the face and elect McCain simply because Obama is black.

My response is:
"The revolution starts now
When you rise above your fear
And tear the walls around you down
The revolution starts here"

Here and now.
Here and now.
The revolution starts.
Sometimes sheer force of will, sweat and work are the only things that make change happen. We can not fail.

So, I ask, "So what you doin’ standin’ around?"

Also, I may have dismissed them too soon, just heard this recently:


Straight up Geek Rap. Represent.

Higgs boson in da house.
Higga, please!

Sounds like someone has been listening to Northern State.

Love has no limits

If this doesn't bring a tear to your eye, you are dead inside.

Also, can this be exhibit #1 for dispelling the myths that animals don't have feelings, exist only through survival instinct, have no memory and therefore no concept of self, and are unable to convey complex ideas to other animals?

Also, rockin' 70's haircuts.

Biggest celebrity in Washington.



I want my MTV, no wait, I want my grass flip-flops

That's right, grass flip-flops,. Eat your heart out, Dunkin'.

This is good

From this NYT article:

"In the 26 states and the District of Columbia where registration data were available, the total number of registered Democrats increased by 214,656, while the number of Republicans fell by 1,407,971."

That's 1,622,627 in favor of the Democrats. The popular vote difference in 2004 was 3,012,166 in favor of W. The difference in Ohio where the Repubs stole that election was 118,775. In 2000, the popular vote difference was 543,895 in favor of Al Gore and the difference in Florida where the Repubs stole that election was 537.

What does all that mean? It means things are looking good for the good guys.


I cross against the light

All I Require in Exchange Is Your First-Born

Tourist woman: I am waiting until the sign says "walk"!
10-year old: Lady, then you're going to be here for a while.
Tourist woman: I don't want to cross by myself.
10-year old: Uh. I'll cross with you.

--Greene St

via Overheard in New York, Aug 4, 2008

I noticed when I was in Austin, TX that NO ONE crossed the street against the light even when there were NO cars in sight.

As everyone knows

Helmets are cool.


Traditional media sucks; Evidence# 5,643

So, one reporter puts a quote in an article and NONE of the networks followed up to check the full quote, or to verify it, or try to interpret what Obama was actually trying to convey. Why? Because doing that would destroy the message they wanted to give. As you see in the clip eventually they came around to, "Oh wait, maybe he was actually saying the exact opposite of what we reported that he said." A$$hats. Except for Rachel Maddow, thank you Rachel.


Kids will be kids

And I will be writing up some more stuff about Netroots Nation as soon as I can.


Hello from Austin, TX!

I'm still having a little bit of a hard time believing that I'm actually in frakkin' Texas. Talk about a state I never expected to visit. Anyway I'm here at Netroots Nation, THE epicenter of new progressive movement created, fueled and expanded by the liberal bloggers.

So, anyway here's a couple pics I've taken:
Lobby at the Hilton


Convention Center sign #1

Convention Center sign #2

Darcy Burner checking in.

Our fearless leader of the DNC, Howard Dean

The pic that is not here is of Markos Moulitsas (founder of DailyKos, one of the founding fathers/mothers of the liberal blogosphere). I was walking along when he came up the escalator right beside me, but he was with his wife (I think) and carrying his child, didn't seem appropriate to take a picture. I would make a lousy paparrazi.

More to come, I'm hungry.


Elitist snob

I sure hope the Republicans keep pushing that "Obama is an elitist" smear. 'Cuz all the elitists I know sit around in folding $10 lawn chairs from Sports Authority, watching their daughter's soccer game and joking around with their wives.

McCain should just throw in the towel now.


Mercedes - leading the way

So, I'm seeing stories that Mercedes has announced that they will stop production of petroleum based vehicles by 2015. I haven't been able to find the actual press release and I'm not sure if "petroleum based vehicles" includes diesel or not (I assume it does not, but they seem pretty heavily invested in their diesel engines). But, whether it includes diesel or not, this is a great move and a fairly emphatic indication of the state of oil, it's done. And unless they change their ways this is the death knell for American auto makers. The Japanese already have a 10-15 year head start on hybrids and now the Europeans will leapfrog the hybrids to non-gas based cars, leaving the Americans two steps behind.


Ben-ny Ol-sen! Ben-ny Ol-sen! Ben-ny Ol-sen!

What a great game that was. United destroyed the Galaxy, Beckham was non-existant, Landycakes got a bloody nose and the heart and soul of DC United was back on the field. I must admit I got a little choked up when Moreno handed the captain's armband to Olsen. BTW, I am totally taking credit for starting the Ben-ny Ol-sen chant.

Nice WaPo article here.

Pic courtesy Michael Connor/Washington Times

Oh yeah, and it turns out Becks can't sell a win at DC. HA!


Is there anything he can't sell?

The answer is no, there is nothing he can't sell... as long as he doesn't speak.

For a second there I thought the woman was Cynthia Nixon. Too bad, that would have been awesome.


Beer for Obama

Also, check this out. Apparently, McCain can't even monitor the comments on his own website. And he thinks he should be in charge of the country?



ದಿಸ್ ಈಸ್ ಜಸ್ಟ್ ಅ ಟೆಸ್ಟ್.


So, about Scottie's book

So, former chief liar White House spokesperson, Scottie McClellen has written a book saying that most of what he said as spokesperson was lying propaganda.

Karl Rove's response:
This doesn't sound like Scott, it really doesn't, not the Scott McClellan I've known for a long time. Sounds like a left-wing blogger.

Well, Karl, you are correct it does sound like a left-wing blogger because we were/are FUCKING RIGHT. Sorry for the profanity but sometimes there is just no other way to convey something.



Hillary, Bill, Terry McAuliffe, Howard Wolfson, Geraldine Ferraro, James Carville, Harold Ickes:

Doesn't look like his daughters are too pleased with you either.


This is fun

Found this Electoral College tracking tool. My most pessimistic prediction is a 270-268 Obama win (need 270 to win). The swing state for me - Virginia. And actually, in this scenario, Obama loses Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

My most optimistic is 362-176 landslide. I think the deep South, with the exception of Florida (can we give it back to the Spanish already) is very much in play. I could see North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana going for Obama. Also, the Mountain West and the Southwest might have some surprises. I think Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado are all in play, with New Mexico almost sure to go blue. Montana, North and South Dakota might be possible with Montana being the most likely.


Words almost fail me. The jackassiest president in all past and future history just surpassed his own record for jackassiness.


West Virginia results coming in... zzzzz

I started this post yesterday morning:

So WV voters are going to overwhelmingly endorse Clinton maybe by as much as 40%. So what. By that I mean it really isn't going to make much of a difference in the nominating process. WV has 28 pledged delegates at stake and I think the most likely split is 19-9 for Clinton. And apologies to all the people who aren't racist in WV but 25% of Clinton voters cited race as a deciding factor. The demographics of WV, for the most part, mean that Clinton wins the over 65 crowd, the poor, the under-educated and the bigots, sounds like a Republican's wet dream. Hopefully, Obama is able to win over some of the over 65 crowd, the poor, and under-educated. Screw the bigots.

First, for any Obama supporters who are feeling nervous or depressed, don't worry read this. The best part is the counter to "no Democrat has won the presidency without winning WV's 5 electoral votes." No Democrat has won the presidency without winning DC...and Obama won DC by 52%.

Which also brings me to this:

Notice where Obama took the lead? That's right, the Potomac Primary. Makes me proud to be a Virginian.

Finally, the real stories from yesterday. MS-01, which proves that no Republican seat is safe (DCCC press release), and NE-Sen, which proves once again that the Netroots have clout.

Something else to chew on: if you're not white and not male and not straight and not Christian, you're probably a Democrat. Minorities are not minorities when they are together and they overwhelmingly identify with the Democratic party and they are stepping into roles of power within the party. The Republicans have the white, male, straight, Christians, we have everyone else. I would speculate that the Republicans won't even have that demographic much longer.


This makes me sad.

Whenever I think of my DC United heroes: Marco Etcheverry,Jaime Moreno, John Harkes, Eddie Pope, Carlos Llamosa I always leave out Ben Olsen. Because, for me, he is a given, the bedrock upon which the tradition of United has been built. So when I hear that he, like Josh Gros, may have to retire prematurely, it makes me sad.


It's all over but the crying

With Obama's win in NC and squeaker loss in IN Clinton is done. Playing around with CNN's delegate tracker there are ways that she could still pull it out. But those scenarios are so unlikely as to be non-existent. Let's start with an across the board number for all the remaining races. If she wins all of them (WV, KY, OR, MT, SD, PR) by 85% she would still need 60% of the remaining unannounced super delegates. That 85% is impossible. Hell, in IN McCain only won 77% running unopposed.

So, let us look at some more realistic results. WV - she will win WV and she'll win it big. I'll give her the best result she has had and say she wins it 65%-35%. For many of the same reasons she will win KY, probably not by as large a margin but for argument's sake we'll say she does. OR looks like an Obama win and it should be a comfortable 5%-10% margin but we'll say he squeaks by with a 52%-48% win. I haven't seen any polls for MT so it is a bit of a mystery, it is more rural which favors Clinton but it is a Mountain West state which favors Obama. The netroots/blogger community has been very influential in the rise of the MT Democratic party which also favors Obama. I'm sure there are other factors but I'm going to give it slightly to Obama, 52%-48%. SD I think is similar to MT with the exception of the netroots/blogger influence. The one poll I've seen from there had Obama 46% Clinton 34% with 10% undecided. We'll give Clinton all of the undecideds and split the mystery missing 10% to give Obama another 52%-48% squeaker. Finally, PR. For reasons I can't figure out Clinton does very well with Hispanics so we'll give her another landslide 65%-35%. Given all that she would still need 78% of the super delegates.

In conclusion, right now Clinton could technically still pull it off. But, here are the absolute numbers. If Obama gets 188 of the remaining 488 delegates it doesn't matter what else happens. I don't think he reaches that number until after the last primaries on June 3. For that reason, I don't think Clinton should concede yet, BUT, I do think she should recognize the inevitable and change her campaign focus from bringing down Obama to unifying the party and attacking McCain. Will she do that? I doubt it but unlike her and her supporters I have HOPE.

Update: Something I noticed about their respective websites. They both have a "Find an Event" tool. Clinton's defaults to within 250 miles of your zip code. Obama's defaults to within 100 miles. Clinton's turns up 4 events, Obama 237 events at the 250 mile distance.


This is how the machines will take over.

The best part is the dude going "Um..."

Brought to you by the always hilarious xkcd



Two of my favorite blogs, Wonkette and Gridskipper have been sold from the Gawker media empire. Hopefully the new owners don't change too much. Although they could change the tags of Gridskipper, apparently DC posts are tagged, Washington, Washington-d.c. and Washington-dc.


So True. Oh, so true.

From the always awesome xkcd.com. Although my embarrassing songs would probably be random chapters of various audiobooks...or traditional Christmas music from the Shetland Islands... or 80's hair metal power ballads... or Hungarian folk music done with sitars... or minimalist trance techno. I have some odd music.


Lane Myer: Ohhhh. Tentacles. N-T. Big Difference

1PM Must've Been Talking about Jellyfish

Visiting sales rep: Wow, that aquarium is really cool! Is it a lot of work?
Desk owner: Thanks. It's not too hard once it's set up for a while.
Visiting sales rep: I've never seen one with all those things with testicles in it before.
Desk owner: [Silence until sales rep obliviously boards elevator.]

75 Battery Street
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: We didn't buy her product.

via Overheard in the Office, Mar 18, 2008


Obama: I will never forget that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible.

I have been avoiding politics lately, mostly because I was fighting off teh killah strep bacteria of pain. So, I've really kinda missed the whole build up of this Obama/Wright (his pastor) brouhaha. But now I'm paying attention and I won't lie, I'm very nervous about Obama's speech. On the one hand I like to see a Democrat who is going to aggressively and substantively attack the skewed narrative of the corporate media. But on the other hand, he is talking about race and racism which is alive and well in America. And unfortunately there is a lot of nuance required to walk that fine line of race discussions in this country. I am worried about the ease with which that nuance can be ignored or twisted. Will the voting public take the time and effort to hear what Obama is saying and embrace it or will they continue to let the corporate media interpret things for them? I fear the latter but hope for the former, because, dayummm, that's one of the best speeches addressing race I've ever heard.

Full text here.

Some commentary:
Talking Points Memo and TPM Election Central
Daily Kos Open Thread here, here, here and here.

And of course Glenn Greenwald exposes how badly the corporate media is about discussing this kind of issue here.

And Clinton or a Clinton surrogate belittling this speech in 3...2...1...

Update: One thing that went through my mind after seeing this speech was, "Who the hell are Obama's speech writers? Whoever they are they are awesome and deserve a raise." According to one source the name of the speech writer is Barack Obama. Other people are beginning to comment on this although I haven't seen any sources other than Marc Ambinder. Something else, it seems that he has 3 speech writers, the oldest of whom is 30.


Reason # 5975 why Clinton is unacceptable

Seriously, Ickes, you're right, those states are never going to switch...UNLESS YOU FIGHT FOR THEM. Dumbass.
clipped from www.nytimes.com

“Most of those states haven’t voted Democratic in a presidential since the Johnson landslide over Goldwater in 1964, and we don’t see that changing,” said Harold Ickes, a senior adviser to Mrs. Clinton. “They’re great states, but Idaho, Nebraska and the Carolinas are not going to be in the Democratic column in November. He’s winning the Democratic process, but that is virtually irrelevant to the general election.”

 blog it


Hallelujeh and why Grunge failed

A pretty interesting albeit somewhat rambling discussion of the progression of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujeh which evolves into a discussion of the pop significance of "The OC" and why Grunge and other "indie" rock movements don't stay true.




I wouldn't say I'm a "good" feminist. I haven't read many books on the subject and sometimes I have a hard time with the rhetoric used. But I definitely reject most of the "men are better at X than women" and even more so the "men are smarter than women" arguments. So imagine my disgust when I read this craptastic opinion piece in the Sunday Washington Post. I don't have time to destroy the piece point by point, I'll let Jezebel do that here and Feministing here, but I will say two things.

First, once again the Washington Post exposes itself as the pathetic, lame, dare I say it, right-wing publication that it is. Ok, ok, that's over the top. The most egregious instances occur on the opinion page and there are occasionally more progressive pieces, but... I'm just saying this piece would have been more appropriate in some right wing religiousy publication, maybe the Washington Times.

Second, hey, Charlotte Allen, project much? Just because you have bought into the theory that women are less intelligent than men, maybe in an attempt to explain your own shortcomings, doesn't mean all women are inferior. Yeesh, do you pull the knife out of womankind's back cleanly or do you relish twisting it as well?


Game on

I predict the demise of DRM (a Microsoft product, natch) in 5...4...3... You don't f#$% with gamers.

This Thom Yorke guy...

seems like a sharp dude. And his melodies are pretty good too.

Can't stop the signal

This rather long but very informative article lays out the legal issues of Bank Julius Baer v. Wikileaks. The basics of the case are that Wikileaks provides a place for leaked documents, the bank is trying to shut down the site completely (not just trying to have the incriminating documents removed) on the grounds that the documents are private, internal documents. A hearing is scheduled today to dispute the injunction the bank placed against Wikileaks. This is a pretty big deal; there are First Amendment issues, there are internet issues and there are whistleblower issues.

File under: Well, duh!

Having cats as pets makes you live longer.


Prince William County - how ya like them apples?

So, Prince William County residents (Hi Mom and Dad!) are going to have their property taxes increase by 28% mostly to cover the costs of their stupid, lame, bordering on unlawful illegal immigration initiative. I couldn't find an email address to contact County Executive Craig Gerhart but this is the number to the County Switchboard (703-792-6000). They might be able to direct you the right place to complain about this. Or you could call police Chief Charlie Deane at 703-792-6650 to let him know this is a dumb idea. Or email the police department at policedept@pwcgov.org.

Also, it appears that the official behind the push for this initiative is Republican (natch) Corey Stewart of Woodbridge. You can email him here: corey@coreystewart.com

Hope, people!

After Obama crushes McCain in the general it can be said that the netroots (internet based grassroots blogging activists) have arrived. And the traditional media and the political consultants will become second tier. What makes me say this? Oh, only that Obama has now passed the 1,000,000 individual donor mark. We, the people, own this.


Where are my night vision, infrared, zoom eyes?

Oh, here they are. So, I've been thinking of getting Lasik surgery but maybe I'll hold off until they perfect these lenses.


Cleaning, found this from many years ago

It is hard to hold
      onto a soapy glass
I thought
      with the hollow metallic drum sound
      and the holding
      of breath receding
nothing broken

What else is hard to hold
What else slips from our
      grip to clatter into the sink

Love you say
Au contraire mi amore

Perhaps you are right
      Coin flip.

This edition of emo poetry brought to you by writing things in notebooks and then not looking at them again for many years. Fun.

I'd vote for him

Hobo: Hello! I am running for president! Vote for me and I'll legalize marijuana! You can marry whoever you wanna!

--Deli, 12th & 6th

Overheard by: Nora, Bianca, and Ethan

From Overheard in New York


CCD - the impact is going to hurt

So, the mysterious Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is not only going to affect honey production but the pollination of, well, everything. This is not unknown but the ramifications keep expanding, for instance, your ice cream may be seriously disrupted.

Speaking of Nestle (owner of Haagen-Dazs), they suck. Is there anything that corporations touch that does not have "blood", "slave" or "exploitation" attached to it? This is why it is so important to look for Fair Trade certified products.



This "interviewer" was obviously attempting to show Obama supporters as uninformed and he picked the wrong guy. Take that possibly racist old white guy, you've just been served.


Yes. We. Can. - Let's Do This.

Now here is an endorsement that actually means something to me.
Email from DJ Spooky:

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

I'm writing you today with something I haven't done before, and that's a simple request: please please please go out and vote today. Stakes are high!!! Our hopes for this election and encouraging those of us in the 22 states voting tomorrow to go out and vote for Obama. I really think that he's probably the only candidate who will actually change things. I just want to say it loud: YES. WE. CAN.

I tend to to not shy away from proselytizing to people about voting. I am so inspired by Barack Obama, what he stands for, and the movement of people behind him that I feel compelled to ask you all to vote for him.

As I walk the streets of New York, I've seen so many people showing their support for Obama, all different genders, races, ages, you name it. Something special and inspiring is in the air. I believe this is the moment, today is the day to take action, make history, and move this country forward by voting for Obama.

I am moved by Obama and I like his policies – I encourage you to read about them if you have not already at www.barackobama.com

Barack Obama stands an excellent chance of not only gaining the majority of delegates tomorrow* but of becoming our next, and best president.

The more exposure he has, the higher his polling. In 3 short weeks, he went from trailing Clinton by double-digits in some states, to leading her now in almost every state where she had formerly held huge ground.

Everyone knows that McCain has the ability to attract votes from Democrats. But when was the last time you heard of Democratic candidate who has been inspiring Republicans to vote Democrat in huge numbers? It's happening. Susan Eisenhower (Dwight D.'s granddaughter) has recently endorsed the Obama campaign and the message of bi-partisanship and unified goals is starting to resonate even wider across the aisle.

Check out some of these links (especially the "Yes We Can" video) and don't ever let anyone convince you that the country isn't ready. YES. WE. CAN.

*Vote Vote Vote (Obama).
Today, Tuesday, Feb. 5 is Super Tuesday.

Obama gains ground. HERE

Obama more likely to beat McCain HERE

If you want to see a different nation,
Obama is your man. HERE

In case you missed it,
"Yes We Can" the music video HERE



Game Over?

While this Obama video isn't really earth-shattering is freaking awesome the response to it is incredible. I counted 9 versions of it on the first page of results from a YouTube search for "obama yes we can". Those 9 versions had 962,000 views. Couple that with some of the wingnuts from redstate.com actually saying good things about it and I think it is fair to say that Obama is inspiring people.

UPDATE [2/5/08 - 11:50] -
Same YouTube search "obama yes we can" yields 11 instances of the video with 1,682,000 views.

A Likely Story Film wins coveted award

From my friend Adam:

We entered the National Film Challenge back in October, and while we didn’t place in the Top 15, our film, “Tunnel Vision,” did get a Special Judges Award: “Best Extensive Use of Plaid in a Costume.”

You can view the film, along with all the other winners, here:

Scroll down to the bottom—ours is the 2nd from the last

I play the dead guy, with a fantastic mustache.

THE Event from yesterday

Did you miss the biggest event of yesterday's Super Sunday? Well, don't worry here are highlights from Puppy Bowl IV including the cutetacular Kitteh Halftime Show.



John Edwards is done. I'm sad. And disappointed.




See ya later, [expletive]!

Davis's seat should be in Democratic hands this time next year.

::sigh:: I miss Rockport

You Know What's Really Emo? Not Breathing.

Teen #1: Get out of the street! There's a car coming.
Teen #2, not moving: I don't care.
Teen #3: God, you're so emo, it's ridiculous.

--Rockport, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Avery

via Overheard at the Beach, Jan 28, 2008



2007 Pics

My New Year's Resolution for 2007 was the same as one of the ones for 2008, take at least 1 picture every day. I didn't keep that resolution. But I did take 2196 pictures (more really but that's the number I have saved) which is an average of about 6 pictures per day. Here are 365 of them. I used 3 different cameras, my cell phone camera, a typical point and shoot digital camera and my Nikon D80 SLR. Here is the embedded slideshow, but you might want to go here and run the slideshow from there to get bigger pictures.


Teh Liburlz r in ur deafth star not writing ur codez

MWAHAHAHAHA. It's not that they are asking for money that makes it so funny, it's that it's the fault of liberals. Like there is some Liberal Cabal that meets at midnight in a secret chamber under the Washington Monument and plots to destroy Red State. "I know what we'll do, we'll recruit all the Scoop programmers to our side. That will cripple them, bring them to their knees." Also, it's kind of cute/sad that they think they have 1000 readers.


The NYT Opinionator... of crap.

A friend of mine sent me this opinion piece from the NYT and, well, it mostly pissed me off. This same friend has told me that I need to tone down the foul language so I'll try not to drop any F&%* bombs.

We'll start with the pathetic line at the end of the article. "But if Obama does win, the netroots (at least as Armstrong and others define them) will have gone yet another cycle without a big victory to point to." Three words: Tester, Webb, Lamont. These were netroots candidates from the start and the first two won in red states, Montana and Virginia respectively. The third, Lamont, didn't win the general election but he did force [expletive] Lieberman to show his true colors as a wannabe neocon. I call those victories. Tester and Webb gave Democrats control of the Senate. That's not a win?

And Tester and Webb were the rock stars of 2006 because they were running for close Senate seats in red states but what about these other 2006 House and Senate wins:
Jerry McNerney (CA-11) defeated Richard Pombo
Claire McCaskill (MO-Sen) defeated Jim Talent
Bob Casey, Jr. (PA-Sen) defeated Rick Santorum
Nick Lampson - (TX-02) defeated Shelley Sekula-Gibbs who won the special election to replace Tom "the hammer" DeLay for 51 days
Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23) defeated Henry Bonilla
These are a few of the actual wins for netroots candidates (others are Joe Sestak, Zack Space, Amy Klobuchar).

Then there are the almost wins, which are probably the races that generate the "netroots can't win" meme. But here's the thing, these races were in traditionally strong republican districts/states. Places that the "sensible, serious" Democratic insiders had already written off. One example:

Scott Kleeb (NE-03) lost to Adrian Smith. In a district that went 66-33 for Bush in 2004 Kleeb lost 55-44. That doesn't sound like a positive but when you factor in that the previous Representative (Tom Osborne) won in 2004 with 87% of the vote and that in the waning days of the race Bush was sent to the district to shore up support (one of the few places where a visit from the Shrub actually would help) and there were some under-handed possibly illegal robo-calls it adds up to a win nationally. Meaning that the republicans were forced to play defense, to allocate scarce resources, in places where they didn't expect to have any opposition. And that kids, is what the netroots endorsed 50-state strategy of DNC chairman Howard Dean is all about. Getting away from the "safe" strategies of centrist, beltway insiders like the DLC (do not be fooled by their use of the word progressive on the website).

Next, we'll discuss the whole "netroots against Obama" theme. It's simply not true. For one thing, this implies that there is some sort of consensus among the netroots. There is not. The blogosphere can be an unruly place. People have strong opinions and are not afraid to express them. And in primary season that means attacking fellow Democrats, or at least expressing a preference of one Democrat over another. Often, expressing that preference means saying that one doesn't like some other candidate's stance on X subject or the tactic some other candidate is using to differentiate themselves from your candidate. It can get ugly. But, what I think you will see once the Democratic candidate has been chosen is a circling of the wagons effect. While the netroots are definitely fractured with respect to who the best Dem candidate is they/we all know that any of the Dem candidates are infinitely better than any of the republican candidates and our support will show that reality.

Finally, Chris Suellentrop is being a bit disingenuous with the entire premise of his piece. First of all, the entire piece is really a response to one blog post by Jerome Armstrong, on one blog. Somehow that doesn't seem representative of the netroots. But whatever, let's actually look at what Jerome says. The first thing to note is that this post is from June 14, 2007. I think it is safe to say that things are much different now than they were in June, but again we'll kind of ignore that and look at the first sentence of Jerome's piece, "I don't have a dog in the race, and voted "other" in the MyDD poll. But I gotta tell you, this race is Hillary Clinton's to lose at this point. I wish to be wrong, and see Obama or Edwards get the nomination, but I honestly don't see it happening from this vantage point, and it's very frustrating." Um, Chris, I think we have a problem, not only is Jerome not against Obama but is actively saying that he would be happy to see him win the nomination. Is there really any point in continuing this discussion?

Sigh, I guess we'll continue. The gist of Jerome's post is this, "the frustration is more directed at Obama because he has the opportunity to lay claim with what's grown in the netroots this decade and hasn't grasped it at all, and it shows." Not that there is necessarily some animosity or even dislike of Obama in the netroots but that he hasn't acknowledged us. Meaning that either he doesn't agree with the progressive netroots or he is too scared of the right wing or he is trying to claim the middle ground (the same territory Hillary has planted her flag in). None of those options are going to give the netroots the warm and fuzzies for Obama although only the first one is potentially a real problem.

Suellentrop goes on to quote this, "never aligned with the existing movement that began with Dean in ‘02, swelled for Wesley Clark in ‘03, led Dean to the DNC Chair and propelled the [Paul] Hackett and [Ned] Lamont candidacies," as if that was some kind of indication of the unreasonableness of the netroots. But, um, it's true, Obama seems to have decided to avoid the existing netroots movement and create his own, which as Jerome points out seems to consist entirely of insisting that they have a movement. Just saying it doesn't make it so.

Which brings us to this from Suellentrop, "The netroots will not have “Obama’s back” when the news media turns on him, Armstrong said." Jerome explains this further down in the post:
"It's ludicrous that some point toward the outreach and early partnership that Edwards has done with the blogging community and the netroots in the same manner that a candidate reaches out to an issue base group, and argue from there that Obama doesn't kowtow to such groups. First of all, that's bs, he does plenty of pandering and is very ordinary in that regard; but more fundamentally, this is the base of the Democratic party's rapid response team. The issue is combating the rightwing machine in unison with Democratic candidates, but you can't partner with a candidate that [is] not inclined to join the partisan progressive movement. In all those emails, Obama has never once even associated with the word Democrat or Democratic, not mentioning either word even once."

I do disagree with Jerome a little on this. I think once Obama is the nominee (and I think he will be) the netroots will have his back, maybe somewhat reluctantly, but we'll be there nonetheless. Because, when you get down to it the netroots movement is about electing Democrats because they are more likely to be progressive and, also, the issue is about "combating the rightwing machine" more more than eating our own.

Finally, let's look at the other two links Suellentrop uses. The first is a satirical piece about Obama eating babies. Do you see what he did there? By linking to the post through the words "actively hostile" he might give someone the impression that the satire was actually a serious post and representative of what is to be found on Daily Kos. This is reinforced when he says that there is so much hostility to Obama that someone wrote a satirical piece about Obama eating babies as if it was not the SAME post he linked to. That being said, there IS some hostility towards Obama on DKos... and towards Hillary and towards Edwards and towards Kucinich and all the rest of the candidates. There are also satirical pieces in exactly the same vein about all of them as well. Basically, you could substitute any of the other candidate's names in that post and no one on DKos would be surprised.

And then we have the link to the Weekly Standard, a neocon rag started by "Bloody" Bill Kristol and Fred "Global Warming Denier aka Idiot" Barnes and owned by Rupert Murdoch's "News" Corporation. Need I say more? Okay, Dean Barnett is discussing this post from Matt Stoller of Open Left but if you actually read Matt's post you find things like this: "And while Obama performed fantastically, Clinton and Edwards did better than any Democrat has ever done in Iowa... except Obama. This is very very good news, and continues the trend of huge infrastructure gains for Democrats. Obama's coalition was also extremely liberal and Democratic, with 41% of self-identified very liberal Democrats going his way." and "Lots of Obama staffers and media types want this to be a show of independents and Republicans coming over to Barack, but the reality is actually better. In the 17-29 age bracket, Obama took 57% of the voters; in the 30-44 age bracket, he took 42% of the vote. He took 41% of new caucus goers, while Edwards led with prior caucus goers. This was a liberal, Democratic, young group that went for Obama. In other words, Obama is in fact capitalizing on or creating new Democrats. And demographically, this generation is as large as the baby boomers, and if they vote as Democrats, which it looks like they will, that's huge." and "The electorate really is changing in dramatic ways, and Obama is a key part of that shift. This country is turning far to the left, and while I don't expect media pundits to talk about pandering to youth the way they do values voters, they should." Even the quote that Barnett highlights is followed by this, "It's not like the Republicans didn't also have a caucus. But on another level, there really is a multiracial emergence here, a new generation of activists taking over the party." I can't really dissect Barnett's craptastic piece further here since it would require a post at least as long as this one. Suffice to say, that most of what he says simply makes no sense when you actually look into it. So, where does that leave Suellentrop? Basically, he polished Barnett's piece of poo and said, "look at this truthiness."