

I wouldn't say I'm a "good" feminist. I haven't read many books on the subject and sometimes I have a hard time with the rhetoric used. But I definitely reject most of the "men are better at X than women" and even more so the "men are smarter than women" arguments. So imagine my disgust when I read this craptastic opinion piece in the Sunday Washington Post. I don't have time to destroy the piece point by point, I'll let Jezebel do that here and Feministing here, but I will say two things.

First, once again the Washington Post exposes itself as the pathetic, lame, dare I say it, right-wing publication that it is. Ok, ok, that's over the top. The most egregious instances occur on the opinion page and there are occasionally more progressive pieces, but... I'm just saying this piece would have been more appropriate in some right wing religiousy publication, maybe the Washington Times.

Second, hey, Charlotte Allen, project much? Just because you have bought into the theory that women are less intelligent than men, maybe in an attempt to explain your own shortcomings, doesn't mean all women are inferior. Yeesh, do you pull the knife out of womankind's back cleanly or do you relish twisting it as well?

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