
I agree.

Obama is not Howard Dean. The reason the blogosphere and I got behind Dean is that he was saying Democrats needed to fight Republicans for every single f*ing vote and more importantly, the way to do this was to not get in bed with them (too many jokes). Meaning this bipartisan crap was/is just that, crap. You don't win elections and change the direction of the country by parsing out how much you are going work with Republicans. Of the top three I feel that Obama is the most likely to make sacrifices at the altar of bipartisanship.

1 comment:

Alethea Kairos said...

More of this kind of analysis please! I hadn't been following the campaigns too carefully - foreign policy has been a priority as of late. It's difficult to discern the differences among the democrats as they all seem like talking heads sometimes. That being said, I am not impressed with Obama as of late. His lack of experience in health care and economic policy seems to be showing.