Came across this kind of cool website, project playlist. Basically it allows you to create playlists pulled from songs available on the web. I'm not sure how they're getting around the copyright issue but i made sure that all the songs in my playlist are songs I actually own. You can find mine on the right below the pic of my senator (also a full size version at the bottom of the page, but that will probably go away soon). If you have had a conversation with me about music and the intarwebs you know of my disgust of the music industry; their litigiousness, their inability to adapt, their greed.
Now, having said those things it might be easy to dismiss the rest of my arguments as "Oh, you're just pissed off because you can't download free music anymore." Well, no, that's not it at all. I'll admit that back in the first heady days of Napster I downloaded some songs (probably less than 100), but I always realized that on some level it was stealing and my momma didn't raise a thief (at least not one who didn't know it was wrong and didn't feel guilty about it).
To be continued...
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