
Speaking of soccer

How about the Iraqi national team getting to the final of the Asian Cup? Now if there was anyone competent in the government we would be using this kind of goodwill for some soccer diplomacy. The message is easy, "See, Shia and Sunni can come together and accomplish a shared goal." Duh. Also, paging MLS, why aren't you guys saying, "Hey, why don't we help you guys set up a league." Granted, MLS is barely surviving on their own but I'm sure any help they could give would be appreciated. I know, I know all of that is more complicated than I make it seem, but fuck, is anyone even trying?

Anyway, congrats to the Iraqis and good luck, I hope you kick some Saudi ass (that's an interesting matchup).

Also, check out Drew Carey saying all the things I want to say to the unenlightened on Letterman:

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