
Da da da daaah, Da da daaaah... Da da da daaah... Da da DA DA DA...!

Today is the 6th day of filming for this minor, inconsequential, indie film set to open May 22, 2008. I think it's got a chance to be a hit.


Bush is an asshat!

From the department of Tell Me Something I Don't Know.

Read the last line (the trash line, not the God line, although...) and tell me you don't want to kick him in the teeth.

Update [06/27/07]: Seriously, no one wants to kick him in the teeth? Do I have to do everything around here?


Putting Manassas on the map

Not my school.

When the Hudson Brothers Won the Nobel Gay Prize
World History teacher: The Nazis imprisoned more people than just the Jews -- handicapped people, homosexuals--
Bimbette, interrupting: --They had homos back then? I thought they didn't invent that until, like, the '70s.

Osbourn High School
Manassas, Virginia

Overheard by: This is the last time I take a class that isn't Honors

via Overheard Everywhere, Jun 15, 2007


Uh might need a concept rethink here

Happened to me just the other day.

Alternate title: Only in Virginia.

Happens to Everyone Eventually
Woman #1: I fell down the stairs yesterday.
Woman #2: Oh my god! Me, too! What happened?
Woman #1: I don't know. I just fell.
Woman #2: I guess I'm a little better than you -- a possum was chasing me.


via Overheard Everywhere, Jun 4, 2007